Mina Arakaki 新垣 美奈 / Exhibitions Mina Arakaki Website

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Solo Exhibition "Follow My Path!"
Monday / National Holiday, September 17 - Saturday, September 22 2018
Gallery-58, Tokyo

個展『Follow My Path!』2018年9月17日(月・祝)〜9月22日(土)、ギャラリー58(東京)

The Path in The Residential Side, 2018


I often wonder if it is a right thing (for me) to describe "I paint as I feel."
However I have met a scene that I cannot help painting; a path among the residential area.
Although houses are standing nearby, the path with plants, trees and old pots makes me feel I were in the another world.

パノラマ風の大型作品(絵画)、ほか小作品 計9点出品
9 works were exhibited; a wide painting enclosing the gallery space, and some small pieces.

The Path in the Residential Side (2018) / The Path in the City (2018) / サルスベリ Sarusuberi (Crape Myrtle) (2018)
柿の木のある家 A House With a Persimmon Tree (2017) / 小道の窓 A Window by the Path (2018) / 晩秋のザクロ Pomegranate Late in Autumn (2017)
アパート A Flat (2014 / 2018) / 平屋 A One Storied House (2014 / 2018) / 暗闇の中の歩み A Walk in the Dark (2014 / 2018)

DMに掲載されている作品は2018年4月の個展『Here We Live』にて展示した作品の一部です。本展では新作を展示しました。
The image on the card is a part of a wide painting from the solo show "Here We Live" in April 2018. New works were installed at this exhibition "Follow My Path!"

東京都中央区銀座4-4-13 琉映ビル4F
4-4-13 Ryuei Bldg. 4F, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Opens from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. (on last day of the exhibition; 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.)

Copyright; Mina Arakaki 2018-2024