Mina Arakaki 新垣 美奈 / My Windows Mina Arakaki Website

Index / Biography (Japanese) / Biography (English) / Artworks / Exhibitions

An Art Project

"My Windows"

On this project I would like you to photograph with the frame* according to the theme "a sight which has caught your eye".
*You can find the frame at JNBY Daikanyama in Daikanyama Address dixsept until June 9.

(JP / EN)

1. 店頭にて配布しているフライヤーをお持ちください。
2. フライヤーを撮影用フレームとしてお使いいただき、『ふと目に留まった印象的な風景・光景』を課題として撮影。
3. 撮影した画像を、Instagramでハッシュタグを付けて投稿。
ハッシュタグ: #mywindow2023 #mywindow_ma2023


作家名 日本語表記;新垣美奈 / アルファベット表記;Mina Arakaki
Instagram アカウント;@minarakaki
ハッシュタグ;#新垣美奈  #minarakaki

On this project we share each of our sights through the same shaped window.

<How to participate>
1. Take a piece of flyer. It is a window-shaped frame for photographing.
2. Take a photo with the frame, according to the following subject;
“an impressive sight that has caught your eye”
3. Post your photo with the following hashtags on Instagram;
#mywindow2023 #mywindow_ma2023

Eligibility; everyone
Participation fee; free

*The frame has sharp edges. Be careful not to hurt yourself.

< Notice >
●The artist may introduce your photograph as a deliverable of the project. The artist may also contact you if your photograph would be used for other purposes.
●Please photograph and publish your photo for this project under Public Order and Morality.
Make sure not to contain individual information and anything which you would not like to make public (e.g. address, ID number and so on) on your photo and caption.
●If you would like to photograph someone else and publish a photo of them, ask them the permission in advance.
●The frame is a creation of the artist. Commercial use without permission is prohibited. For individual use is available, mentioning the artist on caption is preferred.
Artist name (Japanese); 新垣美奈 / (Latin script); Mina Arakaki
Instagram account; @minarakaki Hashtag; #新垣美奈 #minarakaki

Copyright; Mina Arakaki 2023, all rights reserved.